To be precise, solid-state kinematics is about the generation of movement within the component i.e. within the material. Deciding factors in the mechanical properties of a compliant system are the properties of the material which include allowable stresses and strains, fatigue behaviour, the constitutive law (the functional relationship between the mechanical stresses and strains), the density and the compatibility with efficient processing methods. Further to these are other important properties such as building space and costs.
It is therefore no surprise that Monolitix emerged as a spin-off of a large material sciences research institute. Depending on requirements, we make use of conventional construction materials such as plastics (reinforced or non-reinforced) and classical metal alloys as well as multifunctional materials such as shape memory alloys with super-elastic properties. Of course we are always keeping our eye on global materials research, looking out for prospects in innovative materials in order to continually increase the range of services that our systems can offer. Finally, we work closely with our partners from academia, science and business in order to develop new materials or material systems with properties that meet our needs.